Interviews / Podcasts

I love podcasts. I currently run a bi-weekly podcast (with a twist) called PALAEOPARTY!. We live stream our episodes so the audience can ask us questions in real time!

Here are some podcasts I’ve been interviewed for:

Jake Atterby and I were interviewed for ‘Palaeocast‘ about our work on palaeontology and videogames here (2022)

Listen to my podcast with ‘Speak up for Blue‘ as part of cephalopod week here. (2018).  We talk about cephalopods, their evolution, and how fossils form.

I chatted with Brandon Timm, as part of his ‘My Science Story‘ podcast series here. (2017). We talked about getting into science for teenagers and how working hard is better than being the brightest fish in the ocean.

Listen to my interview with ‘Palaeocast‘ on our Tullimonstrum paper here (2016). We chat about the amazing Mazon Creek fossil bed, our discoveries, and what it means for science to be constantly evolving.

I was once part of a press conference at the European Geosciences Conference. 11,000 people attended that conference and as a young PhD student this was one of the most nerve wracking things I had ever done!

See the UoLeicester’s press release here: PRESS.

Watch the video of the live conference here: VIDEO

Click the images below to read web profiles and interviews: